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About The Game Theory: Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is a fundamental scenario in Game Theory, where two players can either cooperate or betray each other.

In each round, both players simultaneously decide to either "cooperate" and stay silent, or "defect" and betray the other. The dilemma arises from the fact that each player has a higher payoff if they betray the other, but if both players betray each other, they both receive a lower payoff than if they had both cooperated.

In the iterated version of this game, the players play the Prisoner's Dilemma multiple times. This introduces the possibility for strategies that depend on the other player's previous actions, allowing for more complex behavior.

On this website, you can simulate the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with different strategies and parameters. Enter the number of iterations and select the strategies for the two players ( you can hover on the text to see their behaviour ), then click "Submit" to see the results.

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